nsIHTMLEditor.setDocumentTitle() is used only by Thunderbird, Mail and Composer of SeaMonkey. Additionally, they can set editable document title with |document.title = "foo";|.

The only difference of a call of |nsIHTMLEditor.setDocumentTitle()| and |document.title = "foo";| is, nsIHTMLEditor.setDocumentTitle() makes the change undoable.

However, only for the method, we need to maintain mozilla::SetDocumentTitleTransaction class. Of course, I don't want to do that without some good reasons.

As I explained in bug 1312989 comment 0, I don't think that undoable document title change doesn't make sense for users. Therefore, I suggest to remove supporting undoable document title change in bug 1312989 and nsIHTMLEditor.setDocumentTitle() itself in bug 1312991.


Note that I don't want to do them in 52 because 52 will be the next ESR. So, I'd like to do them in 53.

Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
Manager, Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.
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