On 2017-03-09 6:51 PM, Justin Dolske wrote:
> Similar to "r+ with fixes" are cases where a patch (or patch series)
> requires reviews from a multitude of people. Which means variable delays in
> getting reviews, during which things may slightly bitrot or be trivially
> modified based on feedback from other reviewers. Code refactorings are one
> example of this. Having to re-request review from everyone, perhaps
> multiple times, would seem pretty painful. :)

Even with a single reviewer, I often times end up making some trivial
changes to my patches to fix stupid mistakes and issues that I know the
reviewer doesn't care enough to want to look at before landing.  In
general our code review process has a lot of flexibility built into it,
and reviewers generally understand that the goal ultimately is to ensure
the quality of the produced code, so depending on the circumstances as a
reviewer I can treat a patch on different levels of scrutiny, from
anywhere between checking the actual landed patch and complaining if
something wasn't done in the way I asked to r+ing asking for a lot of
changes and trusting the author will do the right thing without needing
me look over their work more.

> From previous discussions, it sounded like there was a middle ground in
> still requiring all landings to go through automation (i.e., a strong link
> between what actually landed and what was posted in the bug),

Which, to some extent, goes against the flexibility of an author when
they're trusted like in the above scenario.  :(  This is pretty
disrupting to my personal productivity, for whatever that's worth (but
I'll of course deal with it if I have to).  I just don't understand why
this is desirable as a goal.

> but allow
> some slop in what was formally reviewed (i.e., a weak link between last
> review and what's was asked to land.) The automation might at least require
> that you can't land a "r=sparky" unless "sparky" did at some point grant
> r+. At the very least, this makes it somewhat easier to compare what landed
> with what was last reviewed (with current tools, thanks to ReviewBoard's
> revision diffing).

FTR we have real actual experience with this: for years I have had to
append a=me etc to work around various hooks.  I don't understand how
something in the commit message can help here, if for example the
requirement is for the reviewer to have to r+ the thing that gets
autolanded every time.

> I suppose this policy also implies no more "Typo fix, no bug" landings.

That is also unacceptable.

> But
> I never really liked those anyway, so I'm fine with that. Bugs are cheap! :)
> Justin
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 3:11 PM, <chris.ryan.pea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Friday, March 10, 2017 at 10:53:50 AM UTC+13, Mike Connor wrote:
>>> (please direct followups to dev-planning, cross-posting to governance,
>>> firefox-dev, dev-platform)
>>> Nearly 19 years after the creation of the Mozilla Project, commit access
>>> remains essentially the same as it has always been.  We've evolved the
>>> vouching process a number of times, CVS has long since been replaced by
>>> Mercurial & others, and we've taken some positive steps in terms of
>>> securing the commit process.  And yet we've never touched the core idea
>> of
>>> granting developers direct commit access to our most important
>>> repositories.  After a large number of discussions since taking ownership
>>> over commit policy, I believe it is time for Mozilla to change that
>>> practice.
>>> Before I get into the meat of the current proposal, I would like to
>> outline
>>> a set of key goals for any change we make.  These goals have been
>> informed
>>> by a set of stakeholders from across the project including the
>> engineering,
>>> security, release and QA teams.  It's inevitable that any significant
>>> change will disrupt longstanding workflows.  As a result, it is critical
>>> that we are all aligned on the goals of the change.
>>> I've identified the following goals as critical for a responsible commit
>>> access policy:
>>>    - Compromising a single individual's credentials must not be
>> sufficient
>>>    to land malicious code into our products.
>>>    - Two-factor auth must be a requirement for all users approving or
>>>    pushing a change.
>>>    - The change that gets pushed must be the same change that was
>> approved.
>>>    - Broken commits must be rejected automatically as a part of the
>> commit
>>>    process.
>>> In order to achieve these goals, I propose that we commit to making the
>>> following changes to all Firefox product repositories:
>>>    - Direct commit access to repositories will be strictly limited to
>>>    sheriffs and a subset of release engineering.
>>>       - Any direct commits by these individuals will be limited to fixing
>>>       bustage that automation misses and handling branch merges.
>>>    - All other changes will go through an autoland-based workflow.
>>>       - Developers commit to a staging repository, with scripting that
>>>       connects the changeset to a Bugzilla attachment, and integrates
>>> with review
>>>       flags.
>>>       - Reviewers and any other approvers interact with the changeset as
>>>       today (including ReviewBoard if preferred), with Bugzilla flags as
>> the
>>>       canonical source of truth.
>>>       - Upon approval, the changeset will be pushed into autoland.
>>>       - If the push is successful, the change is merged to
>> mozilla-central,
>>>       and the bug updated.
>>> I know this is a major change in practice from how we currently operate,
>>> and my ask is that we work together to understand the impact and
>> concerns.
>>> If you find yourself disagreeing with the goals, let's have that
>> discussion
>>> instead of arguing about the solution.  If you agree with the goals, but
>>> not the solution, I'd love to hear alternative ideas for how we can
>> achieve
>>> the outcomes outlined above.
>>> -- Mike
>> How will uplifts work? Can only sheriffs land them?
>> This would do-away with "r+ with comments addressed". Reviewers typically
>> only say this for patches submitted by people they trust. So removing "r+
>> with comments" would mean reviewers would need to re-review code, causing
>> an extra delay and extra reviewing load. Is there some way we can keep the
>> "r+ with comments addressed" behaviour for trusted contributors?
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