On 3/15/2017 3:51 PM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
after Firefox 57 when
Webextensions are the only extensions, if our product no longer needs some
functionality (and it's "API"), let's remove it. Quickly and ruthlessly. We
need to actively work to maintain less code.

I'm struggling to have a big picture overview of what is going to be removed. Let me state what I think the issue is, and see if I understand correctly.

Certain APIs remain in the platform only because they were used by XUL addons. Once XUL addons are disabled in Firefox, those will be removed.

The core XUL overlay feature however is used extensively throughout the platform, and is not going to be removed as a result of disabling XUL extensions (though it might be removed in the future as a part of eliminating XUL from the platform). Examples are the overlay features in XULDocument.cpp

Is that reasonable correct?


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