On 2017-04-18 1:53 PM, Justin Dolske wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 1:19 AM, Jack Moffitt <j...@metajack.im
> <mailto:j...@metajack.im>> wrote:
>     > Another really nice effort that is starting to unfold and I'm super 
> excited
>     > about is the new Photon performance project
>     > <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1348289
>     <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1348289>>, which is a
>     focused
>     > effort on the front-end performance.  This includes everything from
>     > engineering the new UI with things like animations running on the
>     > compositor in mind from the get-go, being laser focused on guaranteeing
>     > good performance on key UI interactions such as tab opening and closing,
>     > and lots of focused measurements and fixes to the browser front-end.
>     I think the order of operations here is unfortunate. What we'd prefer
>     is that WebRender land first, and then Photon be designed around what
>     is possible in the GPU-backed world.
> That's a complete non-starter. Photon work is already underway, and
> there's a _ton_ of work to do for the 57 release.

If I can clarify a bit, the main goal of Photon isn't to be a showcase
of WebRender capabilities.  The main goal of that project is to get a
much more responsive UI than what we currently have.  Obviously for the
implementation we would love to use every bit of power that Gecko
provides, but we can't rely on anything that will not be 100% certainly
be part of the 57 release.  The last time I checked with the graphics
team, at this point it's completely unclear whether Quantum Render is
going to make it, and as such, it's not reasonable for us to depend on
anything that WebRender provides for Photon, because if QR wouldn't make
it to 57 then we wouldn't have a backup plan.

All in all we have a lot of ongoing projects and they each have
different scales and different degrees of risk associated with them, and
we are trying hard to be really careful on what project depends on what
other project to try to protect ourselves from cases where project X
doesn't make it in time taking project Y down with it.  :-)  Photon is
such an important piece of the puzzle that making it depend on anything
that isn't super certain is extremely risky, and without Photon the
entire release plan for the whole Quantum is going to be jeopardized,
and that isn't an acceptable risk.

I hope this helps make the plans make more sense.  If they still don't,
I'm happy to answer more questions!


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