On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 1:27 AM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I realized we haven't had a performance mini-story for a while -- I sort of
> dropped the ball on that.  Running over this bug made me want to talk about
> a pretty well known sort of slowness in C++ code, virtual functions.  The
> cost of virtual functions comes from several different aspects, firstly they
> effectively prevent the compiler from doing inlining the function which
> enables a host of compiler optimizations, essentially by enabling the
> compiler to see more of the code and optimize more effectively based on
> that.  But then there is the runtime cost of the function, which mostly
> comes from the indirect call.  The majority of the performance penalty here
> on modern hardware is due to branch midpredictions when different
> implementations of a virtual function get called at a call site.  You should
> remember that on modern desktop processors, the cost of a branch
> misprediction can be around 15-20 cycles (depending on the processor) so if
> what your function does is very trivial and it has many overrides that can
> be called in hot code chances are that you are spending a considerable
> amount of time waiting for the instruction cache misses on the calls to the
> virtual function in question.  Of course, finding which virtual functions in
> your program are these expensive ones requires profiling the workloads you
> care about improving, but always keep an eye for this problem as
> unfortunately the object-oriented programming model in C++ really encourages
> writing code like this.  This is the kind of issue that a native profiler is
> probably more suitable for discovering, for example if you are using a
> simple native sampling profiler these issues typically show up as a long
> amount of time being spent on the first instruction of the virtual function
> being called (which is typically an inexpensive instruction otherwise.)

This reminded me of
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1332680 (and
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1332682 )

Adding -Wsuggest-final-types and -Wsuggest-final-methods and looking
at the output seems pretty low-effort to find a lot of more
opportunities for this. (Unless I'm misunderstanding things).

Plus, it benefits security!

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