According to Alexa top 100 Taiwan sites and quick spot checks, I can only
see the following two sites encoded in Big5:

Both are shopping sites (eBay-like and Amazon-like) so you get the idea how
forms are used there.

Mike reminded me to check the Tax filing website:
.Yes, it's unfortunately also in Big5.

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Henri Sivonen <> wrote:

> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 4:28 AM, Kan-Ru Chen <> wrote:
> > On Thu, May 11, 2017, at 01:43 PM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> >> In Firefox 43, I rewrote our Big5 support and, among other things, I
> >> optimized the *encoder* for footprint rather than speed on the theory
> >> that users won't notice anyway since the encoder run is followed by a
> >> dominating wait for the network when submitting a form.
> >>
> >> Since then, I've learned that the relative slowness of the Big5
> >> encoder is greater than I had anticipated. Still, I haven't seen
> >> anyone complaining, but I don't know if anyone who finds it too slow
> >> knows how to attribute the complaint.
> >>
> >> I'd like to hear from someone who uses a Web site/app that involves
> >> submitting a textarea of Traditional Chinese text in Big5 if the form
> >> submission performance seems normal (doesn't feel particularly slow)
> >> on low-performance hardware, like an Android phone. (In the phone
> >> case, I mean the amount of text you'd feel OK to input on a phone at
> >> one time.)
> >>
> >> If UTF-8 is so widely deployed that no one in the Taipei office needs
> >> to submit forms in Big5 anymore, that would be good to know, too.
> >
> > I don't feel that I see a lot of Big5 websites out there. It's hard for
> > me to even find one to test.
> Thank you. I guess it doesn't really matter whether Big5 form
> submission feels slow or not if it's something that people very rarely
> experience.
> >> Context:
> >> I need to decide if I should make Big5 encode faster or if I should
> >> trade off speed for smaller footprint for the legacy Simplified
> >> Chinese and Japanese *encoders*, too.
> >
> > I think Shift_JIS are still widely used. But this is just my experience
> > and guessing. If we really want to know the real word usage we should
> > collect data. Is there some telemetry probe for this already?
> If Big5 form submission is so rarely used that its performance doesn't
> matter, we can't then extrapolate the lack of complaints to inform the
> implementation Japanese or Simplified Chinese legacy encodings.
> Keeping the implementation approach asymmetry between Big5 on one hand
> and legacy Japanese and legacy Simplified Chinese encodings on the
> other hand seems like a valid approach in the case of a large
> disparity in usage today.
> There aren't telemetry probes for "this" regardless of what "this" you
> meant. To my knowledge, there's no telemetry probe for counting form
> submission encodings and there is no telemetry probe measuring form
> submission round trip time by encoding.
> Telemetry analysis in this area would have to be scoped by locale
> (e.g. analysis of relative frequency of Big5 and UTF-8 form
> submissions scoped to the zh-TW locale) to be meaningful, and, from
> experience, such analyses are annoying to carry out, because they need
> manual privileged access to telemetry data. Locale-scoped views aren't
> available on the telemetry dashboards, because some locales have so
> few users that scoping by locale would narrow the population so much
> that the data could be potentially too identifiable. It would be nice
> if locale-scoped views were available for locales whose
> telemetry-enabled instances are more numerous than some threshold.
> (Each of zh-TW, zh-CN and ja-JP surely has enough users, at least on
> the release channel, for aggregate data views not to be too
> identifiable.)
> Additionally, I don't really know what would be a good way to place a
> probe in our code to measure form submission round trip time (what the
> user perceives) rather than the encode step only. (It's already
> obvious that the encode step itself would show a disparity by a
> massive factor between UTF-8 and Big5.)
> (I don't think we need telemetry to believe that Shift_JIS and gbk
> form submissions still happen routinely.)
> --
> Henri Sivonen
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