On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Daniel Fath <daniel.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> (If the outcome here is to do XML5, we should make sure the spec is
>> polished enough at the WHATWG in order not to a unilateral thing in
>> relative secret.)
> What does it mean to be polished enough at the WHATWG?

I was thinking of having resolutions for the issues that are currently
warnings in red and multi-vendor buy-in. (Previously, Tab from Google
was interested in making SVG parsing non-Draconian, but I have no idea
how reflective of wider buy-in that remark was.)

> Also how far reaching should spec be? Include Namespaces?

I would expect the spec to take a byte stream as input, specify how
the encoding is determined, delegate the decoding from bytes to
Unicode code points to the Encoding Standard and then define how the
code point stream is processed into a DOM tree. (Bonus points for
defining a coercion to an XML 1.0 4th ed. Infoset, too, for
non-browser use cases.) That would include the processing of

Henri Sivonen
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