(cross-posted between dev-platform and firefox-dev - please send responses
to the dev-platform list).

TL;DR: New show on AirMo - Joy of Profiling, examining Profiles:
https://air.mozilla.org/search/?q=the+joy+of+profiling . Want your profile
up on the show? Submit it via

Hello everybody,

I've started a new show on Air Mozilla called The Joy of Profiling. In this
show, I sit down with some volunteer engineers in Toronto, and we look at
performance profiles, and try to derive actions and meaning from them.

Here are the current set of episodes:

The shows are short - usually less than an hour. They're pre-recorded and
not streamed. I don't do a whole lot of editing - it's pretty raw. I do
them on Friday afternoons, ET.

We take notes and post our findings here:

You might find this show interesting if Profiles and perf.html are a thing
you deal with.

Additionally, if you have a Profile that you'd like examined, consider
sending it to us to examine with this form:

Here's to making Firefox fast and smooth!


PS: I'll hopefully find a way of integrating guests over Vidyo soon, so
that I can get folks outside of Toronto to help examine profiles as well.
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