On 20/07/17 18:26, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
Thanks for this James! \o/

One question, do we run the CSS test linter on automation, or are there
any plans for it?

Yes, that should be run as part of the W lint job (e.g. [1]), which is run on pushes (including to try) that change files under testing/web-platform/tests/. We don't run it for changes under layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/ and it's not clear how easy that would be, since the lint is rather tied to the structure of the wpt repository.

Note that there are other reasons that a push might be blocked upstream but land in m-c (e.g. unstable tests). We are working to create an upstream PR earlier in the cycle, and improve the communication with test authors about problems upstreaming their changes (as well as corresponding improvements to downstreaming that should allow us to notify relevant people when "interesting" test changes are going to land).

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