Can you have the user try in a fresh profile?

I think this behavior might occur if they used a profile in a newer version
of firefox (like nightly 57) and then try to take it back to an older
version (like release 55).  Database schemas can be updated in various
storage APIs on disk which prevent older versions of firefox from opening
the any storage for the origin.

On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 5:57 AM, Geoff <> wrote:

> I'm trying to help some users of my extension with a problem.
> Unfortunately I can only offer suggestions of things to try and then wait
> for a reply.
> I asked one to put this code in the web console and tell me what happened:
> try {
>         var request ='thisIsATest', 1);
>         request.onsuccess = console.log;
>         request.onerror = console.error;
>         request.onblocked = console.error;
>         request.onupgradeneeded = console.log;
>         'finished';
> } catch(ex) {
>         console.error(ex);
> }
> What you'd expect to see on the console is either "finished" and then one
> or more messages from the event handlers, or an error from the catch block.
> What they got instead was: undefined.
> This surely must mean that is failing but not throwing an
> exception. I've tried disabling indexedDB, or making the appropriate
> directory read-only, but in both cases an error is reported (even if it is,
> helpfully, "UnknownError").
> So I'm stuck. What could be causing this, and what can I do about it?
> (If you want to chip in on the issue directly:
> GL
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