*# Q3 Codecoverage! update *

/If you //want to hear more about an//y of the//s//e items, please
contact me and I will get you more detailed information/*

*## Overview *

We can show the code coverage on new lines added by changeset!

  * *Link* - http://firefox-code-coverage.herokuapp.com/
  * *Warning* - This is alpha-quality; it is a work-in-progress, there
    are still bugs, and it is not as responsive as we would like
  * *Visual walk through* -

Of course, we still have the regular coverage that we upload to
codecov.io [4] https://codecov.io/gh/marco-c/gecko-dev

*## Parts you don't see*

  * *Keep the tests passing* - Code coverage builds run a little
    different, so we must constantly monitor and triage the unique test
  * *Building the backend for the UI* - The UI is supported by a backend
    service that maps coverage to the changesets
  * *optimize jsvm lcov rewriter* - because everything is slow at our
    scale of coverage
  * *merge coverage from test chunks* - because codecov.io can not
    handle our raw data volume
  * *adding function info to grcov *- a different resolution of coverage
    that is consistent with other coverage tools
  * *Rust LLVM build*  - We require a special build of Rust in order to
    collect Rust coverage;

*## Future Plans*

  * *Verify this UI prototype* - We want to ensure RelMan can use this
    to inform their bug risk assessment
  * **Improve the UI* - *There are inevitable changes to be made when we
    get our feedback from RelMan, plus the known bugs and issues we need
    to work on.

  * *Coverage for Windows with Clang* -
  * *Solve bugs* - Of course, there is a long tail of bugs 
  * *Show what tests cover a file* - Experimental - a couple UCOSP
    students will attempt to show coverage at the per-test level; this
    should prove useful to those that made a code change, and would like
    to know what test suite (or test chunk) covers it.  If useful, then
    we can use this same information to inform our automation.
  * *Merge coverage from different revisions* - Experimental - a UCOSP
    student will attempt a pan-temporal representation of our source
    code: If done, it will allow us transport code coverage forward, and
    backward, through time and revisions.  This can be used to compare
    coverage runs, merge runs from different revisions, and allow us to
    collect coverage at a higher resolution with lower data storage costs.

*## Meetings*

We have weekly CodeCoverage meetings, and you are welcome to attend:

  * *When* - Held every Friday @ 11:30 EDT (08:30 PDT)
  * *Where* - Kyle's video room
  * *Etherpad* - https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/code_coverage_Q1_17

*## Links*

[1] The frontend UI http://firefox-code-coverage.herokuapp.com/

[2] Frontend code https://github.com/armenzg/code_cov_experiments

[3] Backend server

[4] Total Coverage https://codecov.io/gh/marco-c/gecko-dev

[5] UCOSP - http://ucosp.ca/
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