Hey Folks,

One thing I've often been thinking when reading the Intent to
Ship/Implement emails is "Hey, that sounds interesting, I wonder what
that is and how I can use it".

The spec and bug is usually linked, so I can go ahead and take a look at
the spec, but what would make reading email a lot easier for me is a
short summary of what the spec does and an example how it can be used.

For example, the pointer events spec recently had an Intent to Ship. As
I haven't read about it earlier, all I know is that the name suggests it
has something to do with the mouse, but until I skim the first few
screens of the spec until Example 1, I am not sure what it does. The
following info would have been helpful:

Pointer Events are like mouse events, but more general. It provides
similar information for devices like touchscreens, pen input, etc. Here
is a simple example:

window.addEventListener("pointerdown", function(event) {
  console.log(event.pointerType); // "pen", "mouse", etc.
  console.log(event.width); // width of contact geometry


Do others think this information would be helpful, and if so, can we get
this added to the process for Intent to Ship and Intent to Implement?

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