On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 9:15 AM, Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@hsivonen.fi> wrote:
> There's a huge downside, though:
> If the screen stops consuming the DisplayPort data stream, the
> graphical session gets killed! So if you do normal things like turn
> the screen off or switch input on a multi-input screen, your graphical
> session is no longer there when you come back and you get a login
> screen instead! (I haven't yet formed an opinion on whether this
> behavior can be lived with or not.)

And the downsides don't even end there. rr didn't work. Plus other
stuff not worth mentioning here.

I guess going back to 16.04.1 is a better deal than 17.10.

> P.S. It would be good for productivity if Mozilla issued slightly less
> cutting-edge Nvidia GPUs to developers to increase the probability
> that support in nouveau has had time to bake.

This Mozilla-issued Quadro M2000 has been a very significant harm to
my productivity. Considering how good rr is, I think it makes sense to
continue to run Linux to develop Firefox. However, I think it doesn't
make sense to issue fancy cutting-edge Nvidia GPUs to developers who
aren't specifically working on Nvidia-specific bugs and, instead, it
would make sense to issue GPUs that are boring as possible in terms of
Linux driver support (i.e. Just Works with distro-bundled Free
Software drivers). Going forward, perhaps Mozilla could issue AMD GPUs
with computers that don't have Intel GPUs?

As for the computer at hand, I want to put an end to this Nvidia
obstacle to getting stuff done. It's been suggested to me that Radeon
RX 560 would be well supported by distro-provided drivers, but the
"*2" footnote at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver
doesn't look too good. Based on that table it seems one should get
Radeon RX 460. Is this the correct conclusion? Does Radeon RX 460 Just
Work with Ubuntu 16.04? Is Radeon RX 460 going to be

Henri Sivonen
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