Should we allow hiding 'new' statements, or keep them as visible as possible?

Some context:
Recently in bug 1410252 I added a MakeNotNull<T*>(args...) function that does 
`NotNull<T*>(new T(args...))`, in the style of MakeUnique and others. It also 
works with RefPtr<T>.

My first goal was to avoid the unnecessary nullptr-check in the NotNull 
constructor, since our new is infallible by default.

And I thought that hiding the naked new statement was a nice side benefit, as I 
was under the impression that it was A Good Thing in modern C++. (Though I 
think the main reason for that, was to prevent leaks when handling exceptions 
in multi-allocation expressions, so it doesn't apply to us here.)

Now, a colleague remarked that this was making the memory allocation less 
"What about MakeUnique?" I asked; "I'm used to them now" he retorted. :-P

So, what do you all think?
- Should I remove MakeNotNull?
- Or should we allow/encourage more MakeX functions instead of X(new...)? I'm 
thinking MakeRefPtr might be nice.
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