On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Xidorn Quan <m...@upsuper.org> wrote:

> Would this affect authentication from proxy? For example, if the
> cross-origin image is on a domain which PAC decides to use proxy for,
> and the proxy requires authentication, would the dialog prompt for it be
> suppressed as well? If so, it sounds a bit unfortunate.

Note that we're blocking the auth _prompt_, not auth itself. If your first
connection with that proxy is on an <img> tag in some other site then yes,
that will be blocked. But if you've auth'd with the proxy already we will
respond normally to the authentication headers.

Work-around: right-click on the broken image and choose "View Image" or
equivalent, then go back to the original page and it will load.

-Dan Veditz
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