Hello, everyone.

Please stop using keypress event for handling non-printable keys in new code when you write new code and new automated tests. Firefox will stop dispatching keypress events for non-printable keys for conforming to UI Events and struggling with web compatibility. (non-printable key means key combination which won't cause inputting character, e.g., arrow keys, backspace key and Ctrl (and/or Alt) - "A" key, etc.)

You can perhaps just use keydown event instead. KeyboardEvent.key and KeyboardEvent.keyCode of non-printable key events are always same. Difference between keydown event and keypress event is KeyboardEvent.charCode of printable keys (and Ctrl/Alt + printable keys). So, when you need to use only key or keyCode, please use keydown event. Otherwise, when you need to use charCode, please keep using keypress event.


We need to fix bug 968056 (*1) for web-compat issues.

Currently, Firefox dispatches keypress events for any keys except modifier keys. This is traditional behavior from Netscape Navigator. However, this is now invalid behavior from a point of view of standards (*2).

I'm going to start to work on the bug from next week. However, this requires to rewrite too many keypress event handlers in our internal code and our automated tests. So, please stop using keypress event when you want to handle non-printable keys at least in new code.

Thanks in advance.

1: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=968056
2: https://w3c.github.io/uievents/#legacy-keyboardevent-event-types

Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
Software Engineer, Mozilla
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