On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 2:07 AM, L. David Baron <dba...@dbaron.org> wrote:
> On the flip side, sensor APIs are offered by mobile (and to some
> degree desktop) operating systems and widely used by apps running on
> them, and there's clear demand for having them on the Web.  So I
> think it seems worth having a clear venue for that discussion, which
> would suggest that it's good to have the discussion in the scope of
> the working group.

This is true for a number of APIs not offered by the web, many of
which don't have standardization efforts or a viable path to be
exposed (or were standardized and then dropped due to issues, e.g.,

> I'm inclined to think that if we want to suggest changes to address
> this security/privacy issue, we should be suggesting clarifying the
> success criteria for the working group so that these issues are
> clearly considered, and making it more explicitly OK for the group
> to decide not to produce some of its deliverables.
> The final paragraph of section "1. Goals" already says a bit here,
> as does the third paragraph of "2.1 Success Criteria", but perhaps
> there's more to say, perhaps by making not producing a spec
> explicitly OK in both "2.1 Success Criteria" and "3. Deliverables"?
> And perhaps something in there should also explicitly mention the
> difficulty of properly informing the user in order to obtain
> informed consent for the real risks underlying the sensors, or
> something like that?
> Or do you instead think that some of the deliverables should be
> removed from the charter because they're not likely to succeed?  If
> so, which?

I hadn't looked in detail yet, but they're doing quite a lot of APIs. Of those

  Generic Sensor API
  Geolocation Sensor

might be the least controversial as its a new API for an existing
feature, but I have not looked in detail whether this is a straight
mapping or not. If Google's Layered APIs initiative
(https://github.com/drufball/layered-apis) is successful that might
also be a better way to go about things.

  Wake Lock API

We've explored this for FxOS. In terms of mozilla/standards-positions
I guess this would be non-harmful.

  Battery Status API

We've unshipped this: harmful.

  Network Information API

I'm pretty sure Mozillians have raised issues with this in the past
and we don't intend to ship it. I suspect harmful.

  DeviceOrientation Event specification

We ship this on Android I think, but per earlier dev-platform threads
we're not exactly happy with it.

  Proximity Sensor
  Ambient Light Sensor
  Orientation Sensor

These are the ones my initial comment was for. As I understand it the
proposed defense is to restrict these to foreground top-level browsing
contexts without user prompt. It's unclear to what extent they are
throttled. If they are throttled, they are less or not useful for
AR/VR. If they are not throttled, they are an interesting
fingerprinting vector. It's unclear to me how a standardization group
is going to help resolve that and I don't think we'd want them to make
that trade-off for us.

There's also Vibration API and HTML Media Capture and I'm not sure
what the state of those is. Neither seems particularly problematic.

Hope that helps,

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