2018-05-16 16:52 GMT+02:00 Andrew Halberstadt <ahalberst...@mozilla.com>:

> tl;dr - You can now set prefs and install extensions across multiple
> harnesses by modifying the relevant profile under testing/profiles.
This is GREAT! Thanks for doing it!

> If you previously would have set a  pref in:
> testing/profiles/prefs_general.js,
> Use this instead:
> testing/profiles/unittest/user.js
> # Overview
> I'm currently in the process of consolidating prefs and extensions
> across all our test harnesses into a single shared location
> (testing/profiles
> <https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/profiles>). If you
> navigate there you'll find several different
> "profile-like" directories.
> Each profile directory has a user.js file for setting prefs, and an
> extensions dir for dropping in extensions. I call these directories
> "profile-like" because they only currently support prefs and
> extensions. Don't expect to be able to add other profile-related
> files (though if there's a need, support for other kinds of profile
> data can be implemented).
> You'll also find a 'profiles.json' file, and a 'profile' utility script.
> The
> JSON file is used to map test suites to a list of profile directories to
> apply. For example, mochitest uses the 'common' and 'unittest'
> profiles in that order. Prefs from the latter profiles will overwrite
> prefs from the earlier ones. This means you can either set prefs for
> a single harness (e.g by adding them to the latter profile), or set
> prefs across all harnesses at the same time (e.g by adding them
> to the 'common' profile). Same goes for extensions.
> Because prefs are split across multiple directories, and those
> directories can overwrite one another, the 'profile' utility script can
> help you view and compare the contents of a profile. For example:
> $ cd testing/profiles
> $ ./profile show mochitest  # dumps all prefs that mochitest will use
> You can also diff profiles or sort preference files alphabetically:
> $ ./profile diff mochitest talos
> $ ./profile sort mochitest
> In the future, I may add a command to automatically set preferences
> in a given list of suites.
> # Motivations
> One great use case is testing the impact prefs and extensions have
> on our performance (and unittests). Simply drop an extension into
> testing/profiles/common/extensions and push to try. It will be
> installed in all of our harnesses (that use this system), including Talos.
> Another reason for this change is that it provides more visibility into
> which prefs are set in which harnesses. We can now diff the prefs set
> in various suites to try and reason about whether those differences are
> intentional or omissions.
> Lastly, this will make it easier to set prefs. No more hunting around
> the tree looking for preference files. This will help prevent cases
> where a pref was accidentally omitted from a test harness.
> # Further Work
> I'm in the middle of migrating harnesses over to this new system.
> Notably, reftest and xpcshell have not yet been converted, though
> hopefully these will be done soon. There is a long tail of smaller
> harnesses that I might not have time to get around to however.
> For current support, just look here:
> https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/
> profiles/profiles.json
> Here's the relevant bug tree:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=
> 1451159&hide_resolved=0
> Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,
> Andrew
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