On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 7:35 PM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez <emi...@crisal.io> wrote:
> Oh, I didn't realize that those peers were the only ones to be able to
> update the style guide, sorry. I guess it makes sense.
> I can revert the change if needed and try to get sign-off from some of
> those.
> Apologies again, I just followed the procedure that was followed in the
> previous thread to add the rule. Let me know if you want that change
> reverted and I'll happily do so.

My sense, after grepping through the code for "enum [A-Z].* \{" (that
is, ignoring `enum class`, since those are effectively prefixed by the
language) and eyeballing the results is that ALL_CAPS and e-prefixed
enums are more common than CamelCase.  Commands:

# rough approximations only!
# enums defined on a single line
git grep -E 'enum [A-Z].* \{[^}]+\}' -- '*.[ch]*' |grep -v -e
'gfx/skia' -e 'media/webrtc' |less
# multi-line enums; -A 1 so we can see the style of the first enum
git grep -A 1 -E 'enum [A-Z].* \{' -- '*.[ch]*' |grep -v $(for p in
$(cat tools/rewriting/ThirdPartyPaths.txt); do echo -e \\x2de $p;
done) |less

This exercise was not an exhaustive analysis by any means.  (If
somebody was going to be exhaustive about this, I think it'd be
interesting to try and consider whether the enums are at global scope
or at class scope, since using class scope enums outside the class
naturally requires qualifying them with the class name.)

Based on this, I think it's reasonable to say that e-prefixing or
ALL_CAPS for (non-`enum class`) enums is the preferred style.  For
`enum class`, we (of course) do everything, but I think CamelCase is
*slightly* more common.  Given the language-required qualification for
`enum class` and a more Rust-alike syntax, I would feel comfortable
with saying CamelCase `enum class` is the way to go.

Objections?  (Almost certainly? ;)

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