On 08/15/2018 06:06 PM, darin.hens...@gmail.com wrote:
On Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 5:56:06 AM UTC-5, smaug wrote:
On 08/15/2018 01:54 PM, smaug wrote:
On 08/14/2018 09:43 PM, darin wrote:
When it ships in version 63 will shadowdom and webcomponent be shipped disabled 
or enabled by default? The beta is throwing me off.

Thank you,

Current beta is FF62. The aim is to ship in FF63, which goes to beta early 

And "ship" means, enabled by default. Most of the code has been there for 
several months even in release builds, but just disabled.

Why does https://caniuse.com/#feat=shadowdomv1 show Firefox 63 show not 
supported by default?

No idea. I don't know who maintains caniuse and when the they update it. Please 
report to them that they may want to update the page.
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