>For in-the-wild input delay not specifically during pageload we also
>measure INPUT_EVENT_RESPONSE_DELAY_MS[1] and (from Firefox 53-60 and then
>resuscitated in 64) INPUT_EVENT_RESPONSE_COALESCED_MS[2] which record[3]
>from the time the OS created the input event until the time when the
>process is done with the event.

Sure, those are interesting... though it's the tail that's generally the
concerning part here - and most of the tail will be during-pageload.
(and those that aren't can actually be interesting for other reasons).

MID is intended for automation and to a lesser extent for investigation
of responsiveness on specific pages, or for devtools (so developers can
see how their page is working).  It's arguable how useful this is in
telemetry - though I think it might be worth tracking there, at least
for a while to compare.

Randell Jesup, Mozilla Corp
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