TL;DR: the next time you run `mach bootstrap` please answer yes to the prompt 
to enable build system telemetry.


Those of us who work on the build system realize that building Firefox is not 
always a pleasant experience. We've done a lot of work over the years to try to 
improve that situation but we have always relied on anecdotes from individual 
developers to know when a problem exists and when things have improved. 
Recently we've finished landing some work[1] to enable the build system to 
submit telemetry and we're excited to start getting data that we can use to 
prioritize future work and validate our results! The schema of data we're 
collecting is available in the build system documentation[2]. Additionally we 
care very much about your privacy and the security of this data--build system 
telemetry data gets handled and stored in the same systems that handle Firefox 
telemetry data.

We've added a prompt to `mach bootstrap` that will let you opt-in to enabling 
telemetry so we'd appreciate it if you would do that so we can get a broad 
representative sample of the population of developers building Firefox. If 
you'd rather enable it manually you can edit the file ~/.mozbuild/machrc and 
add the contents:

telemetry = true

If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask here or in #build 
on IRC.


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