On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 11:59 AM Bobby Holley <bobbyhol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The idea is that we should gradually pass BasePrincipal around the codebase
> rather than nsIPrincipal, which would avoid the need to invoke Cast at the
> specific callsite. I have no objection to your proposed pattern in the
> interim if it results in simpler code, but I think we should aim higher for
> the desired end state.

The problem for me here seems to be uneven approaches to end states across
the codebase, which is kinda of what I was wondering about in laying out
those tasks. With nsIPrincipal, I have a BasePrincipal concrete(ish) class
to work with. When I was adding infallible SchemeIs via %{C++%} blocks to
nsIURI, that was about the only choice I had because nsIURI could directly
be nsStandardURI, nsSimpleURI, etc... As we wanting to move toward more
Base* (if abstract) C++ classes as the top level of interface work in C++
where possible?
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