On Mon, Dec 24, 2018, at 4:59 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
> Please reply to this thread if you think there's something we should
> say as part of this charter review, or if you think we should
> support or oppose it. Given our past involvement, we should
> probably have some comment, even if it's simply in support.

A few high level comments (I only looked at sections 1 and 2):

The stated primary focus of the charter period is stabilization and testing, 
and I think this is the right thing to spend most of the time on, so we should 
support this charter for this.

The stated secondary focus is new graphical features if they have broad 
consensus. I agree that any such work needs broad consensus so that we don't 
end up with features with few or no implementations. Since that has been a 
problem in the past, I would prefer something be said explicitly about 
consensus from implementors here.

The Core SVG document mentioned in the Deliverables section is new and is 
intended to define a subset that is used in OpenType SVG glyphs and potentially 
other places. I'm fine with working on this, although I question whether it 
duplicates or replaces some of the work done as part of the SVG Integration 
spec (which did not progress beyond a WD). So clarification on the relationship 
to that spec might be good.

In section 1. Scope it says "The SVG WG develops a single deliverable, the SVG 
specification" but in section 2. Deliverables, multiple specifications are 
mentioned. These seem in conflict.

No particular comment on how realistic the target publication dates are, since 
I haven't been paying attention recently to the group's work to know how 
accurate they are.
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