If you don't have any |mach try| presets for the syntax selector, feel free
to ignore. Otherwise, make sure you update to the latest central before
running |mach try| or you might lose your presets.

If you see a message like this in your |mach try| output:
*warning: unknown section 'syntax', the following presets were not migrated*

Then you're too late and it means the presets listed underneath will be
lost if you don't manually re-create them. To re-create them:

1. Create ~/.mozbuild/autotry.ini
2. Create a [try] heading and copy + paste the unmigrated presets
underneath. For example, the file should look like this:
foo = -b o -p all -u mochitest
bar = -b d -p none

3. Run: mv ~/.mozbuild/try_presets.yml temp.yml
4. Trigger the migration again: mach try --no-push
5. Copy + paste the contents of temp.yml into ~/.mozbuild/try_presets.yml

To re-iterate, these steps are *only* necessary if you see the bolded
warning above.

In short, I recently changed the |mach try| preset format and included an
automatic migration script. But due to a bug in the migration, only the
first preset in the list was successfully migrated. This bug only affects
presets that were saved with try syntax. Unfortunately the associated test
for the migration only tested a single preset so didn't detect the bug. The
bug is fixed on the latest mozilla-central

Very sorry for the inconvenience and let me know if you need help,
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