Are there also plans to revisit our longstanding foreground/background/link/visited-link colouring prefs (as well as their companion use_system_colors pref) in light of this set of changes? They've never really worked very well, nobody has really taken on fixing their UX, and it would be nice if we could switch to something that was better supported.

~ Gijs

On 15/02/2019 20:38, Mats Palmgren wrote:
The 'prefers-color-scheme' media feature is way for pages to detect
if the user prefers a light or dark color theme.  The values are
'light', 'dark', and 'no-preference'.  If the "resist fingerprinting"
feature is active we always match 'light'.  If the media type is
'print' we always match 'light'.  Otherwise, we try to determine
a value from the user's current "desktop theme".  This should work
well on recent versions of OSX and Windows.  On Linux, we don't
know how to determine a value from the system so we match
'no-preference' there - help wanted:


Link to standard:

Platform coverage: All platforms

Estimated or target release: Firefox 67

Preference behind which this will be implemented:
The feature is always enabled, but there is an existing hidden
preference to set a value (integer), ui.systemUsesDarkTheme:
0 = light
1 = dark
2 = no-preference

Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?
Yes, but if widget look-and-feel features are disabled in
sandboxed iframes then we'll match 'no-preference'.

DevTools bug: none

Do other browser engines implement this?
Safari has implemented this feature and it's available in their
Nightly build, but it's not yet shipped AFAICT. is a post about
implementation of this feature in Safari; documents its addition.

It appears Chrome is actively working on it:


Is this feature restricted to secure contexts? No

Credit also goes to Jonathan Kingston who wrote the initial
implementation of this feature.


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