Hi everyone,

Tl;dr: Please help us with testing/feedback on Firefox DevTools after
we fixed long-standing performance & quality issues in Firefox’s
JavaScript debugging capabilities.

During Firefox development, from platform to frontend to web compat,
JavaScript debugging is a key aspect and needs to be rock solid.
Responding to your feedback, we (the Firefox DevTools team) have put
in tremendous effort to make all aspects of the Debugger more
reliable, faster and convenient. Firefox 67 and 68 is where a lot of
this work comes together:

# 1. Debug workers within the debugger without a new toolbox
Fast web applications depend on concurrency, but DevTools’ worker
support has been clunky at best. Now you can switch between workers in
a new Debugger panel and see their source files along the other
sources – all in the Debugger without opening a new toolbox.

# 2. Set breakpoints on lines and columns (aka Column/Inline Breakpoints)
Pausing on columns, not just lines, provides much needed accuracy for
pausing in the right locations and into minified code. To make this
work we refactored all aspects of how pausing locations are determined
and used; with a focus on performance and reliability.

# 3. Set breakpoints to log messages (aka LogPoints)
Lets you switch breakpoints to print message and variables to the
Console instead of pausing code execution. This can give you
superpowers for tricky situations, like when pausing would break the
test case or where source code can’t be edited.

# 4. Significantly improved quality for breakpoints, stepping &
overall performance
We have been burning through a backlog of long-standing issues that
made debugging feel flaky and slow in some situations. No more losing
breakpoints, stepping into wrong functions! Meanwhile our source maps,
the glue that makes modern web apps debuggable, took over other
devtools. We will keep honing the foundations of the debugger, making
it more reliable and faster with every release.

Those changes touched major parts of the server and frontend. We need
your help now with testing the Debugger against your projects,
Firefox, extension, or web, and providing feedback! Even if you find
an issue that you experienced in the past, please don’t hesitate to
bring it to our attention.

File bugs: 
Recording a performance issue:
Join us in Slack/IRC: #devtools
Read more in our hacks article:

Thank you for your continued support to improve the experience for the
web's creators,

Harald on behalf of Firefox DevTools team!

p.s. Special thanks to Jason Laster, Logan Smyth, David Walsh, Brian
Hacket, Jan Honza Odvarko, Nicolas Chevobbe, Anshul Malik, Hubert Boma
dev-platform mailing list

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