window.outerHeight/outerWidth are legacy properties that report the
size of the outer window of the browser. By subtracting against
innerHeight/innerWidth it exposes the size of the user's browser
chrome which can be unique depending on customization, but at the
least reveals non-standardized information that can be used for
fingerprinting purposes.

I have a hard time figuring out how a website would use it for
(legitimate|reasonable) rendering purposes. I discussed it with Anne
and we'd like to neuter it and see if we can remove this
fingerprintable information if possible.

Tor Browser (and RFP mode) has reported the values of
innerHeight/innerWidth for outerHeight/outerWidth for a long time and
I haven't seen or heard of any breakage caused as a result of that.

(We'll also need to spoof window.screenX and window.screenY as
window.mozInnerScreenX and window.mozInnerScreenY respectively.)

Platform coverage: All, although TBH I don't know how this behaves on Android...

Preference: Yes, this will be controlled by a preference that I'll
flip for Nightly for now and watch for reports of breakage.

DevTools bug: n/a
Other browsers: I haven't proposed this to any other browsers.
web-platform-tests: I don't believe any WPT actually test for the
correct value here.
Secure contexts: This will be applicable everywhere

I considered adding telemetry for the properties; but reading them
doesn't imply websites are relying on them for anything.

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