Unfortunately using the pref doesn't always work.

Instead, go to the Firefox hamburger menu -> Web Developer -> Enable Profiler 
Toolbar Icon. It shows up as a small stopwatch.

As Greg said, we're still in transition, sorry for the confusion! ;-)

- Gerald

On Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 8:45:10 AM UTC+11, smaug wrote:
> FWIW, apparently the UI is in the devtools profiler UI, not in the profiler 
> addon.
> https://profiler.firefox.com/ still tells users to install the addon from 
> there.
> I was told that one can get the button similar to the addon by enabling
> devtools.performance.popup.enabled boolean pref and then using 'Customize...'
> Anyhow, great stuff. Seeing IPC messages in the profiles can be really handy.
> (and so far I've been positively surprised that we don't seem to send that 
> many IPC messages)
> -Olli
> On 10/30/19 10:14 PM, Jim Porter wrote:
> > Recently, we landed a new feature for the Firefox Profiler: the ability to 
> > record IPC messages for monitored threads. This should be useful for 
> > evaluating IPC-related performance issues as we make progress on Project 
> > Fission. To enable this feature, just check the "IPC Messages" feature in 
> > the 
> > profiler popup and collect a profile! Then, IPC messages on all monitored 
> > threads will be recorded to the profile.
> > 
> > For an example of what this looks like, see this profile of a user (me) 
> > opening mozilla.org in a new tab: <https://perfht.ml/2Wtkgx1>.
> > 
> > Since IPC messages are (obviously) cross-process, each IPC message is 
> > actually comprised of two profiler markers: one for the sending thread and 
> > one 
> > for the receiving thread. The profiler frontend then examines all the 
> > collected IPC markers and correlates the sending and receiving sides. After 
> > correlating each side, we can then determine the latency of the IPC 
> > message: this is defined to be the time between when the message is sent 
> > (i.e. 
> > when `SendMessage` or similar is called) and when it's received (i.e. once 
> > the recipient thread has constructed a `Message` object).
> > 
> > Sometimes, IPC messages will have an unknown duration. This means that the 
> > profiler marker for the other side of the IPC call wasn't recorded (either 
> > the thread wasn't profiled at all or the other side occurred outside of the 
> > time range of the profile).
> > 
> > As you can probably see from the example profile, the user interface is 
> > fairly basic for now: each thread just has a new timeline track to display 
> > its 
> > IPC messages, with outgoing messages in teal and incoming messages in 
> > purple. Of course, there's lots of room for improvement here, so if you 
> > have 
> > ideas for a visualization that would be useful to you, just file a bug and 
> > CC me on it!
> > 
> > Happy profiling!
> > - Jim
> > 
> > P.S.: For those who are curious about how we correlate each side of an IPC 
> > message, we compare the source and destination PIDs, the message's type, 
> > and its seqno. This is enough to uniquely identify any IPC message, though 
> > it does mean that reply messages are considered a separate message. If 
> > people find it useful, it should be straightforward to correlate initial 
> > and reply messages with each other as well.

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