On 04/11/2019 22:00, Chris Cooper wrote:

Taskcluster, the platform supporting Firefox CI, will be moving to a new 
hosting environment during the tree closing window (TCW) this coming Saturday, 
Nov 9. Trees will be closed from 14:00 UTC to 23:00 UTC. CI services will be 
available as soon as possible thereafter, pending verification of the new setup.

I'd just like to call out how great the TaskCluster team have been at helping projects moving to the community instance.

We have just finished moving the upstream wpt testing to the new setup, and the TaskCluster team proactively made sure we were aware the change was happening, tried to identify likely issues in our setup, filed PRs for the most obvious changes, and made sure we were on track to finish by the deadline. They also helped us work through teething issues once we were running on the new instance.

Overall the experience has been as good as you could wish for with a large infrastructure change. Thanks to everyone involved; I hope the Gecko migration goes just as smoothly!
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