Yup, consider me interested.
Also considering that I’d like one of our projects to be available on searchfox 

— Jan-Erik 

> On 9. Jan 2020, at 19:43, Andrew Sutherland <asutherl...@asutherland.org> 
> wrote:
> Are people interested in a session(s) at the All-Hands on Searchfox?  If 
> you're interested in any of the following things, please email me here or at 
> as...@mozilla.com or let me know via other channels, and let me know which of 
> the following you'd be interested in.  My goal is to get a rough count so I 
> can try and book a room if there's interest.
> 1. Contributing to Searchfox.  Want to improve something about Searchfox?  
> You can!
> We can help you get set up with a local VM and credentials to try your 
> changes on mozilla-central in the cloud without your laptop melting down!  
> Already tried contributing and tried to melt your own laptop down out of 
> frustration with setting up VirtualBox?  We can help with that too!  (Also, 
> you can now use libvirt and save yourself a bundle in new laptops!)
> Already have the VM setup and appreciate the extensive Searchfox 
> documentation at https://github.com/mozsearch/mozsearch/ and 
> https://github.com/mozsearch/mozsearch-mozilla/ but want some guidance on how 
> to implement the thing you want to do?  We can help with that double too!
> 2. Talking Searchfox UX, especially as it relates to upcoming 
> features/possibilities on the "fancy" branch.
> I've been doing some hacking to support a more structured representation of 
> data to support creating diagrams[1] for both documentation purposes and to 
> make code exploration and understanding easier.
> This potentially opens up a bunch of new features like 
> https://clicky.visophyte.org/files/screenshots/20190820-174954.png 
> demonstrates, providing both the type of a thing you've clicked on, plus 
> being able to see its documentation or uses without having to click through.  
> But the more features you try and cram into something, the more potential for 
> them to get in the way of what the user actually wanted to do.  For example, 
> the helpful popup also probably hides the code you were trying to look at. 
> Should the information be in a big box at the bottom of the screen like 
> cs.chromium.org?  The top?  Configurable?
> Also, for the diagrams, how to make them most accessible.  My current 
> approach[2] attempts to leverage the inherent hierarchy into a ul/li 
> tree-structure that directly mirrors the clustering used in the graphviz 
> diagram, with in and out edges indicated at each node.  Planned work includes 
> figuring out how to best get NVDA to make those edges traversable so that the 
> traversal is possible with more than manually using ctrl-f.
> 3. Talking Searchfox data exposure for your own tools, especially as it 
> relates to the new data available on the "fancy" branch.
> Do you have a tool that uses Searchfox and wish its result format wasn't 
> clearly just a data structure pre-baked for presentation purposes that the 
> receiving JS perform a light HTML-ization on?
> Andrew
> 1: Here are some examples of diagrams created during prototyping:
> - Manually creation by clicking on calls/called-by edges in iterative search 
> results exploration: 
> https://clicky.visophyte.org/files/screenshots/20190503-133733.png
> - Automatic diagram from heuristics based on local same-file control flow: 
> https://clicky.visophyte.org/files/screenshots/20190821-165907.png
> - Blockly based diagramming without rank overrides or colors applied: 
> https://clicky.visophyte.org/files/screenshots/20191231-214320.png
> 2: 
> https://github.com/asutherland/mozsearch/blob/00a60f899936559ed4d158999278660eb5c98df5/ui/src/grokysis/frontend/diagramming/class_diagram.js#L480
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