Hi, thank you all for your questions and comments on the changes to the
triage process starting this Monday with the next merge. I want to
acknowledge that we're asking to accommodate this during a time of
uncertainty, but this will help us attain our goal of build quality.

I wanted to let you know about some changes to tooling coming up:

First, if you use https://mozilla.github.io/triage-center, it'll no longer
be supported and I'm taking the site down because of the changes to what we
consider triaged.

Second, we'll be updating arewetriagedyet.org to reflect the new triage

Lastly, if you have editbugs and are the triage owner for one or more
components, there's a query saved to Bugzilla for you "Untriaged Bugs
(Severity Based)"

AutoNag changes are being worked on, and so are the triage documentation

If you want to refresh yourself on the change, the document on it is here:

Stay safe and in good health,

dev-platform mailing list

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