Hello all,

In an effort to better support more feature PI requests, beginning this Nightly cycle (Fx83), the quality assurance team is going to significantly reduce their manual regression testing in each Nightly cycle.  This will allow QA to provide more in depth feature specific quality assurance work. Please see the plan and rationale here. <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FXF8Zk_2TN95F_VFtXE10fFnfCUEJbGO4TpFu76Ibq0/edit#heading=h.c8zcjh6lpuzh>

tl;dr - The plan redirects nearly ~170 hours of ~214 manual testing hours away from blanket regression testing to allow QA can spend that time in support of active feature development. The remaining 40+ man hours will be used to test around WebCompat, post soft code freeze, at the end of the Nightly cycle.

Please let us know if you have any concerns with this plan.

Thank you,

Tracy Walker

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