
On 2021/03/10 17:11, Masayuki Nakano wrote:
Example 1:
addEventListener("wheel", event => {
  let amount = event.deltaY;
  if (isFirefox) {
    amount *= 16;

Example 2:
addEventListener("wheel", event => {
  let amount = event.deltaY;
  if (isFirefox && navigator.platform.includes("Mac")) {
    amount *= 16;

These cases are what they will be broken with current hack.

Example 3:
addEventListener("wheel", event => {
  const amount =
    event.deltaY > 0
      ? Math.min(event.deltaY, 16)
      : Math.max(event.deltaY, -16);

And this must be better, but may keep broken if user users high-resolution wheel on Windows (and maybe on Linux?).

So, in most broken web apps, current hack must work as expected because `deltaMode` is not referred.

So, the case which will be fixed by the hack is:

addEventListener("wheel", event => {

Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
Working on DOM, Events, editor and IME handling for Gecko
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