On 04/09/14 18:36, David E. Ross wrote:
> Spammers change their E-mail addresses quite frequently, using the same
> address for only a day or two.  Hackers also frequently change their
> "residence" so as to prevent tracing them.  The same is true of
> distributors of malware.
> If short-lived certificates are subjected to less stringent security by
> client applications, I would fear that they would become hacker and
> malware tools.

Can you explain in detail the differences you see in the threat model

a) a cert with a lifetime of 3 days and no revocation pointers

b) a cert with a lifetime of a year whose OCSP responder's responses
have a lifetime of 3 days


It seems to me that, if either are compromised, the attacker has 3 days
to exploit the issue. (In case b), they can staple the good OCSP
response they have obtained, even if the cert is revoked.)

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