On 31/05/15 23:43, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> I agree, this is the strongest argument against government CAs presented
> in this thread, and I wish this, rather than the musings of secret courts
> and "maybe impossibles", was the core of your argument.
> These arguments apply not just to government CAs (that may rely on
> external controls for financing, such as budgets, as you mention) but also
> to small commercial CAs (whose profit margins may be too thin to implement
> controls).
> The response to both should be the same - removal.

The problem with that is that a government CA removed for this reason
may not care - which speaks to Brian's other points. I do think we have
less ability to control the actions of government CAs with the tools at
our disposal, because they are not subject to market forces, and
removing them hurts only us and our users.


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