On 06/06/15 02:12, Brian Smith wrote:
> Richard Barnes <rbar...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> Small CAs are a bad risk/reward trade-off.
> Why do CAs with small scope even get added to Mozilla's root program in the
> first place? Why not just say "your scope is too limited to be worthwhile
> for us to include"?

There's the difficultly. All large CAs start off as (one or more :-)
small CAs. If we admit no small CAs, we freeze the market with its
current players.

A great case for this, of course, is Let's Encrypt, who are currently as
tiny as it's possible to be, and yet I don't think you'd say they are a
bad risk/reward trade-off. That leads me to think that whether a CA is a
bad trade-off has factors to consider other than its size.

> Mozilla already tried that with the HARICA CA. But, the result was somewhat
> nonsensical because there is no way to explain the intended scope of HARICA
> precisely enough in terms of name constraints.

Can you expand on that a little?


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