On Wed, July 29, 2015 1:34 pm, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
>  SSC has applied to include three root certificates as follows:  enable
>  the email trust bit for the “SSC GDL CA VS Root” certificate; enable
>  the
>  code signing and email trust bits for the “SSC GDL CA Root A”
>  certificate; and enable all three trust bits for the “SSC GDL CA Root
>  B”
>  certificate. EV treatment is also requested for the “SSC GDL CA Root
>  B”
>  certificate.
>  This begins the discussion of the request from SSC to include three root
>  certificates as follows:  enable the email trust bit for the “SSC GDL CA
>  VS Root” certificate; enable the code signing and email trust bits for
>  the “SSC GDL CA Root A” certificate; and enable all three trust bits
>  for
>  the “SSC GDL CA Root B” certificate. EV treatment is also requested
>  for
>  the “SSC GDL CA Root B” certificate.
>  At the conclusion of this discussion I will provide a summary of issues
>  noted and action items. If there are outstanding issues, then an
>  additional discussion may be needed as follow-up. If there are no
>  outstanding issues, then I will recommend approval of this request in
>  the bug.
>  Kathleen


I've completed a thorough review of the relevant CP and CPS for SSC.

First, on a practical and procedural note, should Mozilla continue accept
certificates without the "Websites" trust bit? Considering that there are
not clear guidelines for how to process either code signing or email, and
considering their relevance (or lack thereof) to Mozilla, it would seem
wise to carefully consider both whether to accept new applications and
what to do with existing applications. My own personal suggestion is to
not accept new certificates, and to purge the existing ones.

I have not examined the CP or CPS for issues related to these two, and
only focused on the Website Trust bits - thus, relevant to the SSC GDL CA
Root B hierarchy.

I conducted my primary review against the (draft) 4.10 version of their
policy. Though it indicates there were versions 4.8 and 4.9, 4.7 is the
current (audited) policy, it would appear. The URL for this document is

== Good ==
* Section 4.1 clearly states the Subscriber Agreement includes a
requirement to consent to publish the certificate (for example, via
Certificate Transparency)
* Section 4.2.3 indicates that the maximum window between RA verification
of information and issuance is only five days.
* Section 4.4.3 provides a suitable carveout to allow SSC to publish
certificates via Certificate Transparency.
* Section 4.7 clearly identifies that other elements of a certificate,
beyond the Subject, may change during a renewal or rekey
* Section 4.9.3 clearly recognizes third-parties may request revocation /
provide information that may lead to revocation.

== Meh ==
* Section 3.1 implies that SSC will issue certificates with names encoded
using the TeletexString, BMPString, or UniversalString encodings. These
are all STRONGLY discouraged in RFC 5280, Section, except for
legacy interoperability cases. Based on the stated CP and CPS, it does not
seem necessary or wise to support these types.
* Section 3.1.1 uses a somewhat ad-hoc stringified form to represent
names, leaving it ambiguous as to the actual structure. While the
footnotes clearly indicate the relevant OIDs, perhaps the tabular form
employed by other CPSes (such as the recently completed WISeKey review)
may provide greater clarity to Relying Parties.

== Bad ==
* Section 3.2.2 leaves it ambiguous and underspecified how domain name
authorization is performed.
* Section 3.2.4 leaves it ambiguous about how email addresses are validated.
* Section 3.3.1 allows for rekey using previously validated information,
for a period greater than allowed by the EV guidelines (36 months in the
CPS, 13 months in the EVG)
* Section 4.1 includes a subscriber obligation to "install the ...
certificate only on the server accessible at a Domain Name indicated in
the certificate." This obligation is ambiguous (technically, any server is
accessible via any domain name, with the right configuration) and likely
unenforceable. Plus it's just weird :)
* Section 4.9 implies that DVCP/OVCP certificates may take 48 hours to
revoke, rather than the 24 hours required by the Baseline Requirements.
* Section 4.9.1 has a number of revocation reasons stated only for
EVCP/EVCP+, even though they are applicable to DVCP/OVCP.
* Section 4.9.9 omits OCSP for DVCP/OVCP.
* Section 6.1.6 lacks a robust definition of the key sizes and algorithm
* Section 6.1.7 omits the keyEncipherment bit, potentially prohibiting
forward-secure key exchanges with RSA keys.
* Section 7.1 neither documents nor does the repository provide copies of
the Certificate Profiles. Section 7.1 of the CP appears to expressly
require this, so it would seem as if the CPS is not adhering to the CA's
* Section 7.2 links to a URL that does not provide the CRL profile,
despite being required by the CP.
* Section 7.3 does not include an OCSP profile, despite being required by
the CP.

== Questions ==
- From interpreting Section 3.1.1, it would appear that a TLS server
certificate (e.g. DVCP, OVCP, EVCP, EVCP+) will never have a commonName
field appear within the subject, as the commonName is expressly identified
as containing a legal person's identity. Is this correct?
- Section 3.1.2 suggests the formulation of the commonName is "firstname
lastname". Names come in many forms (e.g. Seal, Madonna, Sting), and in
many cultures, may not follow such a construct. If a Lithuanian citizen
legally changed their name to "google.com", would SSC issue such a
- Section 3.1.5 indicates that names are unique, but the name form of
Section 3.1.1 does not provide enough disambiguators to guarantee this for
the case of non-qualified certificates. How does SSC handle this?
- I could not find any documentation within the CP or CPS regarding the
practices, procedures, and controls for the issuance of third-party
subordinate CAs. The information gathering document suggests this is
supported, but the absence of documentation is concerning.

I also briefly reviewed the CP, version 4.4 (
), which largely defers to/sets stipulations for the CPS. Within this, I
found one area particularly concerning (i.e. "bad"), which is that Section
4.9.13 indicates Certificate Suspension may be supported.

>From the documents and repository, I was unable to locate suitable test
sites complying with Section 2.2 of the Baseline Requirements (v1.3.0).
Indeed, of the test sites provided (
https://gdl.repository.ssc.lt/en/repository/test-certificates/ ), two were
improperly configured (OV SSL Personal, OV SSL Legal Entity). The revoked
certificates were merely hosted as certificates, not as separate Web pages
using Subscriber certificates, as required by the BRs.

Perhaps most concerning of all in this application is that the CPS
indicates the issuance of DVCP/OVCP certificates, except no such audit has
been performed according to Tuvit. The ambiguity regarding much of the TLS
issuance practices, and in particular, the request for the "Website" trust
bits without a corresponding audit for the issuance practices related to
website trust bits (DVCP/OVCP, equivalent conceptually to the "Webtrust
for CAs - SSL Baseline Requirements v2.0" documentation), give me strong

Remediation of this would be a significant undertaking to update the CP
and CPS to provide appropriate guidance and statements as to the adherence
to the BRs and Mozilla Policy. In many cases, it simply incorporates by
reference, which concerns me that SSC may not have properly implemented
controls to actually follow the BRs.

I would encourage SSC to review the past several CA inclusion requests,
including the most recent of WISeKey, and the areas of concern flagged
there, many of which are applicable here. Similarly, examining the CP and
CPS in the context of the CA/Browser Forum's Baseline Requirements, v1.3.0
will provide ample guidance as to the expected assertions, many of which
were absent or incorporated by reference, which give significant concern.

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