On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 2:34 PM, David E. Ross <nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote:
> On 1/7/2016 12:29 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
>> On 1/7/16 11:15 AM, Peter Bowen wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> Until such time that the provide this, I don't see how they are any
>>> different from the thousands of private PKIs that are run by companies
>>> for their own use.  Many of those PKIs may be used to MITM
>>> connections.
>> OK. I suppose that means I should go ahead and start the information
>> verification process for this request.
>> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:How_to_apply#Information_Verification
>>> All CAs should be held to the same standard when asking for admission
>>> to the Mozilla program, this is no different.
>> That's very logical.
>> I was sort of hoping to avoid spending the time doing the Information
>> Verification if I didn't have to.
>> Kathleen
> I suggest deferring any effort on this request other than informing the
> certification authority that they need audits both for WebTrust for CA
> and for BR.  That notice should also indicate that, without PROPER
> audits with public-facing audit reports, no action can be taken.
> No other effort should be expended on this.

I agree 100%.  MITM implies that they are not following BR, as there
is no way they can be validating domain control[1].  This should mean
that they cannot complete a BR audit without having a massive
qualification on the report.

Mozilla gets lots of requests for inclusion which are summarily closed
because the request does not meet the requirements; this should be
treated the same.


[1] I can imagine exactly one way they could claim to simultaneously
meet the BRs and issue MITM certificates: claim they are using a
practical control method and show that from their vantage point they
have practical control of the Internet.  They could even modify HTTP
responses to inject validation tokens and/or modify DNS responses to
do the same.  Obviously this is not the intent of practical control
validation but would be an interesting tactic.
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