Note that is only for roots submitted after Jan 1, 2016. Roots submitted prior 
to Jan 1 2016 are unaffected. 

-----Original Message-----
From: dev-security-policy 
 On Behalf Of Jakob Bohm
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: SHA-1 S/MIME certificates

On 01/04/2016 12:44, Varga Viktor wrote:
> Hi,
> My replies are inline marked with ***
> regards, Viktor Varga / Netlock
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev-security-policy 
> [mailto:dev-security-policy-bounces+varga.viktor=netlock...@lists.mozi
>] On Behalf Of Jeremy Rowley
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 10:54 PM
> To: Jakob Bohm <>; 
> Subject: RE: SHA-1 S/MIME certificates
> I think a required move away from SHA1 client certs requires a bit more 
> planning.
> 1) There hasn't been a formal deprecation of all SHA-1 certificates in any 
> root store policy. There has been a formal deprecation by the CAB Forum of 
> SHA1 server certificates. Considering many of the client cert issuance is 
> governed by various national schemes (FBCA in the US and the Qualified Cert 
> program in the EU), care is necessary in enacting policies that impact the 
> use of client certificates. Although I recognize the need for Mozilla to 
> ensure a safe onine experience for all its users, I'm sure they don't want to 
> undermine entire trust frameworks built on these certificates. (Yes, I know 
> FBCA requires SHA2 now).
> *** Dont forget, that the roots doesn't needs to be deprecated because their 
> signing algorithm.
> *** The roots are not trusted because their algorithms, they are trusted 
> because CAs are enrolled in root programs, and the root certificates are 
> physically in your browser.
> *** So for the roots, the algorithm on itself doesnot counts on deprecation, 
> but the key length should large enough.
> *** Also dont forget, that the Microsoft is also removing the old roots, and 
> the Apple does the same, but they are asking CAs about the remove, not 
> publishing anyone.

Microsoft has deprecated SHA-1 in the root store policy for roots with the 
"code signing" trust bit, but only for the root stores on Windows 7 or later, 
and with special exceptions for roots that are in both Vista and Windows 7 
stores.  In fact Microsoft has phrased their entire SHA-1 deprecation policy as 
a change in their root store policy, even the parts that describe changes in 
the acceptance of end certificates on a context specific basis.

> 2) The browsers are already deploying code to reject SHA1 certificates 
> encountered. If this is true, what is the harm in continued SHA1 client 
> certificate issuance until the national schemes have all updated their 
> requirements? Mozilla is protected but the national bodies (and financial 
> institutions) can continue using their software for client authentication. I 
> do think we should move to SHA2, but I don't think the prior notice has 
> occurred with respect to SHA1 client certs.
> *** In Hungary, we had legislation to use sha256 only, so we completely moved 
> to sha256.
> *** I think ist much bigger problem for the usage of certs is the same origin 
> policy.
> *** The remove of NPAPI, Java support and the windows.crypto gives the real 
> problem for web applications here in Hungary, especcially for the 
> governmental applications, because the are using one of the technologies i 
> mentioned, and the need to move on quickly.

Fortunately, there are Mozilla forks which maintain at least NPAPI.

> On 30/03/2016 18:49, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
>> All,
>> In response to the 'March 2016 CA Communication' I received the 
>> following question from a CA. I think we should discuss it here, 
>> because I suspect there will be other CAs in this same situation.
>>   > We have a problem since we still issue SHA-1 S/MIME  > 
>> certificates. Do we really have to stop issue after 2017?
>> I will appreciate your thoughtful and constructive input into setting 
>> reasonable expectations for CAs in regards to SHA-1 S/MIME certificates.
>> Thanks,
>> Kathleen
> I would suggest the following minimum requirements:
> 1. Any 3rd party certificates using outdated certificate signing
>     algorithms (such as certificates signed using SHA-1) must be issued
>     under dedicated subCAs with as many technical constraints in the
>     subCA's certificate validity as possible, such as restrictions in key
>     usage, extended key usage, subCA validity period and distinguished
>     name ("path name restrictions").  Mozilla will allow the issuing and
>     reissuing of a reasonably low number of such SubCAs, provided they
>     chain only through and to certificates that use the same or older
>     outdated signing algorithm.  (For example SHA-1 certificates should
>     be issued by a technically restricted SHA-1 SubCA that chains to an
>     old SHA-1 (or older) root cert).
> *** just one suggestion: define a minimum key length also.

Indeed, hence why I keep saying "outdated certificate signing algorithms" with 
SHA-1 as just a current example.

> 2. Any 3rd party certificates using outdated certificate signing
>     algorithms (such as certificates signed using SHA-1) must include CA
>     generated random values that are not known by the 3rd party prior to
>     issuance (and thus prior to request generation).  Any such random
>     values must contain the same number of bits as the signing hash (e.g.
>     20 bytes/160 bits for SHA-1 signed certificates).  Any such random
>     values must occur before most (preferably all) 3rd party supplied
>     fields to protect against prefix collision based attacks.  In
>     practice, placing the first 160 random bits in the certificate serial
>     number, adding the next 12 random bits to the "NotBefore time" as a
>     count of seconds, the next 12 random bits to the "NotAfter time" as a
>     count of seconds and inserting any remaining bits as an early element
>     in the subject distinguished name would be the closest allowed by
>     X.509v3 and older.
> 3. Document, for each such external usage the exact technical reason
>     why subscribers are presumed unable to use certificates using modern
>     algorithms.  For example: "These certificates are for US medical
>     persons needing access to the US FDA server at, which
>     does not accept better algorithms" .  Or "These certificates are
>     exclusively for users communicating with users of the Microsoft
>     Office 2007 Outlook MUA, which does not support better algorithms"
> 4. Any CA internal certificates using outdated certificate signing
>     algorithms (such as certificates signed using SHA-1) must be issued
>     in a very minimal count and with short validity periods (1 to 16
>     months), even though this would imply more frequent reissuing.  Any
>     such internal CA certificates must serve a specific purpose in
>     servicing existing or acceptable certificates using such algorithms,
>     such as OCSP signing, online timestamping or the restricted subCAs
>     specified by rule 1 above).  Additional administrative procedures
>     must be used to prevent the internal requests for such certificates
>     from being generated with malicious content, for example they might
>     be generated only by specially trusted hardware with private keys
>     securely transported to the point of usage after issuance.
> 5. Any other CA usage of outdated signing algorithms in signatures
>     traceable to Mozilla trusted roots must be done in the minimal count
>     possible and only to serve a specific purpose in servicing existing
>     or acceptable certificates using such algorithms, such as CRL signing
>     or OCSP signing where a documented technical reason must be given for
>     not making such signatures using dedicated certificates (for example,
>     a specific named client implementation might fail to accept OCSP
>     responses and/or CRL signatures not signed directly by the CA).
>      As an example of reducing the frequency of such signatures, CRLs
>     might be issued with longer than usual refresh intervals for older
>     CAs that have few remaining valid certificates and are mostly
>     reissuing CRLs to provide trusted lists of historic revocation dates.
> 6. Any other CA usage of outdated signing algorithms in signatures
>     traceable to Mozilla trusted roots must include CA generated random
>     values that are not known by the 3rd party prior to issuance (and
>     thus prior to request generation). Any such random values must
>     contain the same number of bits as the signing hash (e.g. 20
>     bytes/160 bits for SHA-1 signed certificates). Any such random
>     values must occur before most (preferably all) 3rd party supplied
>     data elements to protect against prefix collision based attacks.  For
>     example CRLs could include revocation of one or more never-issued
>     certificates with random serial numbers at both ends of the CRL.
>      Similarly, OCSP responses for actually issued certificates should be
>     pre-generated independent of incoming OCSP requests and include the
>     random values as close to the beginning of the response as
>     technically possible.  Dynamically generated OCSP responses (for
>     multiple certicates, never-issued certificates etc.) should include a
>     random value before any request-supplied values totaling more than
>     half the number of bits in the signing hash.
> 7. Mozilla would prefer if issuers of such certificates with outdated
>     signing algorithms stand up a new root certificate, which is
>     self-signed with a modern signing algorithm and will not be used to
>     sign (directly or indirectly) certificates with lesser algorithms.
>     The CA should also publish a date after which the old root cert used
>     for issuing certificates with lesser signing algorithms will no
>     longer be the root of still-valid certificates with modern signing
>     algorithms.  Mozilla will remove most trust bits from the old root
>     certificate on or before that date, but will include (in its master
>     list, but not necessarily in its software releases) an indication of
>     the extent to which the old root certificate is valid for
>     (re)checking old data provably from before the cut-off date, such as
>     externally time stamped documents and/or recipient time-stamped
>     e-mails.
> 8. When standing up such a replacement root CA, Mozilla will understand
>     that the switch to using the new root CA for issuing certificates
>     with modern signing algorithms will be delayed by the time it takes
>     to deploy the new root in all relevant software releases and updates,
>     not just those of Mozilla.  For example use of a new root CA for
>     signing S/MIME e-mail certificates would await its inclusion in both
>     Mozilla Thunderbird, the vast majority of 3rd party e-mail clients
>     and the OS level root CA list of most operating systems releases,
>     such as Microsoft Windows and the various Linux distributions.
> 9. All procedures performed to comply with the above rules must be
>     documented in the relevant CPS and verified by the annual audit.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S. Transformervej 
29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10 This public discussion 
message is non-binding and may contain errors.
WiseMo - Remote Service Management for PCs, Phones and Embedded 
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