On 19/5/2016 4:36 μμ, Rob Stradling wrote:
On 18/05/16 17:23, Dimitris Zacharopoulos wrote:
This intermediate seems technically constrained for SSL and S/MIME certificates, which are the only type of certs under the current Mozilla policy.

Dimitris, are we looking at the same version of the Mozilla policy?

I'm looking at this one:

Code Signing _is_ still mentioned.

According to the discussion from


policy version 2.3 will remove code signing references. Should we still invest in this EKU in the Mozilla program? Should all CAs publish information about codeSigning Intermediate CAs even when these will be obsolete when policy 2.3 will be published? I was in favor of keeping the code signing trust bit but it seems that this decision is final and not up to further discussion.

Best regards,


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