On 07/09/16 15:01, Thijs Alkemade wrote:
> What is suspicious is:
> - Twice as many SHA-1 certificates being issued on a specific Sunday in 
> December than the daily average that month. (Which also happens to be the 
> date on the certificates which I personally got from the StartEncrypt API.)

There could be an entirely innocent explanation for this.  Lots of
people were stockpiling SHA-1 certs during December 2015.  Daily
certificate issuance rates do vary.

> - The long difference between the notBefore and the embedded SCTs, if any.
> - Some of these certificates having an almost identical copy issued using 
> SHA-256 on a date in January. If the SHA-1 cert has embedded SCTs, then the 
> SHA-256 cert has them too and the SCTs of both certs are less than a minute 
> apart.
> Of course, I can’t present hard cryptographic evidence that these 
> certificates did not exist then, but I fear nothing can.


Rob Stradling
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