On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 7:29 AM, Rob Stradling <rob.stradl...@comodo.com> wrote:
> On 04/10/16 19:39, Peter Bowen wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 6:29 AM, Rob Stradling <rob.stradl...@comodo.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 04/10/16 13:18, Nick Lamb wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, 4 October 2016 11:14:01 UTC+1, Rob Stradling  wrote:
>>>>> Neither.  I'd like to run cablint over all certs pre-issuance, but
>>>>> unfortunately it's not practical to do this yet because 1) cablint is
>>>>> too slow and 2) there are some differences of opinion that have been
>>>>> discussed at CABForum but not yet resolved.
>>>> Can you expand on what "too slow" would mean here? Or does it tread too 
>>>> much on specific commercial performance criteria you don't want to talk 
>>>> about?
>>> Running cablint means firing up the Ruby interpreter, then fork/exec'ing
>>> a separate executable umpteen times.  IIRC, last time I checked, crt.sh
>>> was only managing to cablint ~10 certs per second.  (Prior to that,
>>> before I'd figured out a way to avoid having to take the "firing up the
>>> Ruby interpreter" hit again and again for every single cert, it was only
>>> managing to cablint ~3 certs per second).
>> cablint could be much faster if the asn1 code could be moved in
>> process.  Doing so requires someone who can work in C and has some
>> experience building Ruby extensions.  This change would avoid the many
>> many fork/exec calls during a single certificate lint.
>> If anyone is willing to volunteer, I can provide more detail.
> Woo!  Matt Palmer accepted the challenge...
> https://github.com/awslabs/certlint/pull/38

And I just finished doing the initial tests.  The fork/exec version
took 227.427 seconds to check a specific set of certificates.  The
extension version took 14.306 seconds.    A 15x speedup!

I'm going to do some more testing, but this looks amazing!  Matt rocks!

Oh, and it gives better error messages as a side effect ;)
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