On Monday, 23 January 2017 18:07:59 UTC, Jeremy Rowley  wrote:
> What do you mean they are weak sauce? Considering at least one of the
> patents is claimed to cover the ACME challenge validations, they seem pretty
> on-point.

I thought my comparison illustrated very well what I meant by weak sauce. 
People can _claim_ anything they want. Nothing I've seen in the patents comes 
close to achieving the desired confidence that the would-be subscriber is able 
to exert control over the FQDN to be validated.

[ The remainder of this post might feel like it's picking on GoDaddy. But 
actually all the patents are awful, they're just serving as an illustration ]

There are three ACME challenge validations in use today, two are already 
covered in Baseline Requirements document version 1.4.2. so that leaves only 
dns-01 which would be covered under the proposed from Ballot 182 (and 
Ballot 169).

GoDaddy claims US9183368 is relevant to but they have not, so far as 
I've seen, claimed that US9183368 actually impacts the ACME dns-01 challenge.

US9183368 is concerned with a "Pass String" which is analogous to the Random 
Value described in part of The CA chooses a "Pass String", this is 
communicated somehow to the would-be subscriber, and then the CA checks whether 
it appears in a DNS TXT or CNAME record. That's it, validation done, That's 
what I mean by weak sauce. What did we validate? What are we sure about? Not 
very much.

ACME's dns-01 challenges can't use a Random Value approach, it would not 
achieve the confidence we want that the would-be subscriber and whoever is 
fiddling with DNS are one and the same. Fortunately also offers the 
possibility of using a Request Token rather than a Random Value so ACME does 

1. the CA picks a random string containing at least 128-bits of entropy and 
tells the ACME client

2. the ACME client uses its private key (the ACME account key, not the private 
half of the key for an X.509 certificate) to sign a data structure containing 
the random string called a "key authorization"

3. the ACME client puts a base-64 encoded SHA256 digest of the key 
authorization in a DNS TXT record [there's your Request Token]

4. the ACME client sends the whole key authorization back to the CA

5. the CA checks the DNS TXT record, verifies that there's a digest inside, 
that the digest matches the provided key authorization, that the key 
authorization is signed by the ACME account key, and that the authorization is 
for the random string it chose in step 1. Only if all these checks pass is the 
FQDN validated for this ACME account.

The "Pass String" idea is very simple, but it's wholly inferior in terms of the 
confidence that can be achieved.

In particular, the Pass String is subject to a trivial MITM. Anyone who can 
convince me to perform US9183368 based validation can use that to pass other 
DNS-based validations, whether US9183368 or something else. So maybe I thought 
I was validating my domain for a new advertising network, or a government 
scheme, but instead I just validated their control of my domain to a CA and 
they're getting a certificate issued.

Because the ACME approach uses public key crypto it can render a MITM 
ineffective. If Monika chooses to use her own ACME account key then she can't 
get the appropriate key authorization digest into the victim's DNS. If Monika 
instead lets the victim use their own ACME account keys, the digest will match 
up but Monika can't obtain a certificate because now the validation belongs to 
the victim.
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