With de facto use of AIA, there is no issuer installation on the server that 
could be improper. Proper is defined at the moment, either by cache or 
discovery hints.


CA Issuers AIA resolution of EE to issuer is good enough for government work, 
and fortunately the market offers software that consumes it. I don’t consider 
the Federal Bridge papered over or the FPKI PA an authority that papers over 
their solutions.


We can roll issuing CAs with less operator error if we can reliably use AIA and 
educate that the issuing chain does not need to be installed, maintained, or 
passed in the TLS payload.


We all understand that microseconds are core to your business model. We’re 
talking about one hit every N years or N-thousand certificates. You’re going to 
earn back the time spent through smaller TLS payload no longer sending 
intermediates that are already cached.


We can deploy AIA CA Issuers support across user agents faster than we can 
deploy PKCS#7 support across servers.



From: Ryan Sleevi [mailto:r...@sleevi.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Steve Medin <steve_me...@symantec.com>
Cc: Patrick Figel <patrick@figel.email>; r...@sleevi.com; 
mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org; Gervase Markham 
Subject: Re: Intermediates Supporting Many EE Certs



As mentioned, I'm a strong proponent of AIA - I think it serves a valuable role 
in ecosystem agility for root migrations - but I don't think it's necessarily 
good for users when it's used to paper over (clear) server misconfigurations, 
which is the situation you describe - where the path from the EE to the 
Intermediate is improper. I'm more thinking about situations for where the 
Intermediate to Root path may change, in order to accommodate changes in the 
Root (from Root 1 to Root 2).


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