Hi Steve,

Quick questions:

1) You identified that Symantec believed that it was a responsibility to
ensure your customers' businesses remain interrupted.
  a) What is Symantec's process for determining which of these concerns
(Baseline Requirements vs customer business) has priority?
  b) Has that process changed in response to this incident?

2) You stated that "browsers didn't process certificate policy extensions
content during path building". This fails to clarify whether you believe it
was a Baseline Requirements violation, which makes no such statements
regarding policy building. Further, no such browser has, except for EV,
made use of any policy IDs beyond path building.
  a) Does Symantec believe this was a Baseline Requirements violation?
  b) If so, why did Symantec fail to revoke this certificate, consistent
with Baseline Requirements, Section, Item 5?
  c) If so, why did Symantec fail to revoke this certificate, consistent
with Baseline Requirements, Section, Item 10?

3) Recognizing this risk, Symantec's Terms of Use under the Baseline
Requirements, Section 9.6.3, the CA is contractually obligated to include a
series of requirements, including Item 8, "An acknowledgement and
acceptance that the CA is entitled to revoke the certificate immediately if
the Applicant were to violate the terms of the Subscriber Agreement or
Terms of Use"
  a) Does Symantec's Subscriber Agreement or Terms of Use with the FPKI
include an obligation to issue consistent with Symantec's CP/CPS?
  b) Does Symantec's relevant CP/CPS state that it complies with the
Baseline Requirements?
  c) If so, does Symantec believe that such a requirement flows down to
subordinate CAs?
  d) If not, why not?

4) What steps has Symantec taken, if any, with regard to its Subscriber
Agreements or Terms of Use in light of this?

5) What steps has Symantec taken, if any, to ensure there is appropriate
transparency regarding Symantec's responsibility to their customers versus
responsibility to Root Program requirements?
  a) Specifically, what steps has Symantec taken to ensure all necessary
and sufficient information to independently evaluate that tradeoff is
available publicly?
  b) Specifically, what steps has Symantec taken to ensure that if one or
more Root Programs disagree with their assessment, that appropriate steps
can and will be taken by Symantec?
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