On Tuesday, 18 April 2017 18:33:29 UTC+1, Jakob Bohm  wrote:
> I believe the point was to check the prospective contents of the
> TBSCertificate *before* CT logging (noting that Ryan Sleevi has been
> violently insisting that failing to do that shall be punished as
> harshly as actual misissuance) and *before* certificate signing.

I come to this as always as someone focused on prevention of future harm. I 
can't speak for Ryan but I'm not interested in "punishing" anybody because 
retribution does not avoid future harm in itself. For example distrust of a CA 
is not a "punishment" of that CA, but a step taken to protect relying parties 
from certificates which shouldn't exist.

Detecting already bad situations still counts as prevention of future harm, 
this is because almost always the bad situation might get worse if undetected. 
This is why we fit smoke alarms - it would be bad if my flat was on fire, but 
it would be much worse if in the absence of an alarm it simply burned down with 
me inside it.

If some CA comes to m.d.s.policy twice a year with a problem where a 
certificate was issued that shouldn't have been, but they've cured it and 
altered their systems so that won't happen again - I can't say I'm ecstatic to 
see that, but at least they're paying attention.

In contrast if they're here twice a year because an independent researcher 
found a year-old certificate that shouldn't exist, and Gerv has to ask them for 
comment, then they investigate what went wrong and promise to cure it, I have 
to say I look on that much less kindly, and I suspect Ryan does too.
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