On 05/06/17 14:29, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> As I've expressed before, I find it baffling that this still happens.

I am also disappointed. I have half a mind to keep track of how often
this happens per CA, and impose a mandatory delay of 1 month per
incident to that CA's next attempt to include a new root or get a trust
bit or EV change in our store. :-)

Aside from taking a note of how often this happens and it perhaps
appearing in a future CA investigation as part of evidence of
incompetence, does anyone else have ideas about how we can further
incentivise CA compliance with a requirement which was promulgated some
time ago, for which all the deadlines have passed, and which should be a
simple matter of paperwork?

> To
> approach this more productively, I'd be very appreciative if someone from a
> CA could describe how they approach disclosing intermediates, where it fits
> into their process, how they track progress, etc.

Well, I suspect the processes are different per-CA, and if you get such
an explanation, it'll be from a CA which doesn't make this sort of
mistake :-)

Also, different CAs have different PKI complexities. While the deadline
we imposed on them for getting things in order has passed, I would be a
bit less grumpy about DigiCert discovering a 'new' old intermediate in
their Verizon-inherited mess that they didn't know about before, than if
some small CA with a simple PKI doesn't disclose one they issued a
couple of months ago.

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