Update on Siemens - Certificates with less than 64 bits of entropy
The following is regarding the topic 
regarding the “Siemens Issuing CA Internet Server 2016” that is root signed by 
QuoVadis and independently audited and disclosed.

At the time the issue was reported, Siemens agreed to immediately take the CA 
offline, and it remains offline pending resolution.  This was reported to the 
listserv by me on 7/20.

Siemens confirmed a bug in their internally-developed CA software which meant 
it was issuing TLS/SSL with 32bit serial numbers, although the serial numbers 
were non sequential.  Siemens informed their external auditors of the situation.

It was found that 1201 currently valid certificates chained to the QuoVadis 
root were affected.  An additional 137 currently valid certificates were issued 
under the previous "Siemens Issuing CA Internet 2013" chained to a Digicert 
root, noted in an email from Ben Wilson of Digicert yesterday.  In the case of 
the QuoVadis-chained certificates, the certificates are virtually all of one 
year validity with expirations balanced across the calendar months (there are a 
handful of two and three year certificates, similar to the Digicert-chained 
population).  The remaining Digicert-chained certificates all expire by end of 
November 2017.  All certificates were issued to Siemens entities and 
Siemens-controlled domains.

Next steps
Siemens has moved to accelerate the previously planned replacement of their 
existing inhouse CA platform with a well-known open source CA with which 
QuoVadis is well familiar.  QuoVadis and Siemens' auditors are coordinating 
with Siemens to confirm that the new CA configuration meets Baseline 
Requirements.  It is worth noting that some BR controls, particularly related 
to vetting, are imposed by the Siemens certificate lifecycle system which will 
continue to be used with the new CA.  Siemens will not recommence their inhouse 
SSL issuance until the new CA is active and confirmed compliant.  The new CA is 
expected to come online in the second week of September.  Siemens commits to 
logging new SSL from that CA in Certificate Transparency.

Although the Siemens PKI is centralised, the certificates are issued to a wide 
variety of Siemens group companies around the world and are used on both 
infrastructure and high traffic websites.  A rushed revocation and replacement 
of these certificates would have a negative business impact on Siemens that 
they believe outweighs the risk of the lower serials entropy (particularly 
given that they are nonsequential).

We propose that Siemens begin the early replacement of the affected 
certificates as soon as the new CA infrastructure is approved, with the goal of 
completing the task by January 31, 2018.  This will include all the affected 
certificates (ie those chained from both the QuoVadis and Digicert roots).  
While Siemens acknowledges that the affected certificates should not have 
occurred, we point out that they will all be replaced far in advance of the 
September 2019 date when industry-wide the last certificates issued before the 
BR change (to larger serial numbers) are scheduled to expire.

We request that Siemens be allowed this expanded scope to conduct an orderly 
replacement of the affected certificates.

Many thanks, Stephen Davidson

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