On 9/6/2017 11:22 AM, Kathleen Wilson wrote [in part]:
> * Our policy on root certificates being transferred from one
> organization or location to another has been updated and included in
> the main policy. Trust is not transferable; Mozilla will not
> automatically trust the purchaser of a root certificate to the level
> it trusted the previous owner.


David E. Ross

Yes, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other
"founding fathers" owned slaves.  However, they created
a nation.  Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Thomas
"Stonewall" Jackson and other "heroes" of the
Confederacy tried to tear the nation apart.  Statues
and other monuments to those "heroes" of the
Confederacy actually celebrate traitors and treason.

See my <http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_conf_flag.html>.
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